Here’s What to Look for in a Qualified Aesthetic Dermatologist
Frequently on the Aesthetic Dermatology and Skin Cancer: Jeffrey H. Binstock, M.D. website we caution readers to be careful when selecting the provider who will use fillers and other injectables on your face.
But how do you judge competency and experience?
Certainly, you can ask friends, but generally their experience is anecdotal—limited to just one or two people who treated them in the past. Or, perhaps they have a friend who has a friend.
The fact is that the best results from treatment depend on many factors, including the exact purpose for using a filler, its known limitations, any interaction between the filler and your skin, and, of course, proper placement of the filler under your skin.
Here’s what to look for during your initial consultation with the person doing the injecting.
First, meet with the provider who will do perform the treatment. Describe what you want done and that you know there are lots of fillers that could be used. Which one is best for you, and why? The FDA has posted a list of fillers with descriptions here.
The person doing the injecting must be thoroughly familiar with all filler option—one size does not fit all.
Second, training and experience count. Ask where the person doing the injection went to school. They should have a degree from an accredited medical school, preferably with a post-doctoral degree. For example, in addition to receiving his degree in medicine and years of experience in aesthetic dermatology, Dr. Binstock’s training includes a prestigious Fellowship at UCSF. Today, he is Clinical Professor of Dermatolgy [Volunteer] at the University California San Francisco.
Then, ask about for how long the person doing the injecting has been providing this service in an aesthetic dermatology practice. Theoretical knowledge can be learned from books, but practical knowledge is best acquired through experience treating many patients over many years. How many people does he or she treat with fillers each week?
Finally, cost. We all look for the best price, that’s normal. But if the cost is too good to be true, be cautious. Ask about the source of the fillers. Sometimes, cheaper prices are charged because drugs being injected come from outside the U.S. and are not approved for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Seek a board-certified aesthetic dermatologist who is experienced in facial rejuvenation. For consultation, contact Aesthetic Dermatology and Skin Cancer: Jeffrey H. Binstock, M.D. Dr. Binstock and Stephanie Cullinane, PC-A, will answer your questions. Call our office in Mill Valley (415) 383-5475.