Acne Scarring
Courtesy Solta

Acne Scarring

Benefits depicted are actual and not retouched. Patient results may vary. Each set of photos reflects the benefit realized by the person in that set of photos, and not necessarily the viewers final results.

Lasers and light-based devices are playing an ever-increasing role in the treatment of acne. Traditionally, acne was treated by topically applied and oral antibiotics. Now, lasers and light-based devices are viable effective alternatives in the treatment of acne. BLU-U is a special blue light treatment that reduces the bacteria in the follicles that causes acne. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been shown to provide results similar to oral antibiotics. In spite the evidence of the success of these treatments, insurance companies consider them to be cosmetic and will not reimburse for them. For more information about these treatments, visit our Procedures page.

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